The ability to auto upload and bulk upload documents is a document management feature that every good DMS system should provide. This feature saves time and increases the productivity in an organization. In this article you will learn how to automatically upload a large number of documents into VIENNA Advantage Document Management System.
This is the 9th article of a series of articles related to our Document Management System. You can check the previous articles about VIENNA Advantage Document Management Solution in this list: Document Management Tips
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Auto upload Settings in VIENNA Advantage Document Management System
To upload a large number of documents into VIENNA Advantage Document Management System, follow this steps:
[1] Navigate to the Application Menu
[2] In the search bar write “Auto Upload Settings” or find this option in the drop down menu
[3] After clicking on it a new window will open where you can enter the details and manage settings to automatically upload documents into VIENNA Advantage Document Management System.
Upload documents from a Folder Path
To upload documents from a folder path from your server, enter that path under the “Folder Path” option in the “Auto Upload Settings” window. By entering the path, you are allowing the DMS system to automatically upload all documents from this folder into VIENNA Advantage Document Management System. Moreover the DMS system will create the same folder and sub-folder structure and will copy all documents and sub-folders into the system.
Upload documents from E-mail account
Another option for auto document upload in VIENNA Advantage Document Management System is connecting the DMS with an e-mail account. In this way the DMS system will automatically upload all e-mails and attachments from the connected email ID to the Document Management System.
When connecting the e-mail account with the DMS system it is also important to set up the folder in which this e-mails and documents will be uploaded to.
You can set the folder in which you want to upload the e-mail attachments by entering the Folder ID under “Email Attachment Folder ID”.
The reason why the Document Management System asks for the Folder ID, and not the Folder name, is because you may have multiple folders in your DMS system with a same folder name, but each one of them will be with a unique folder ID. To find a Floder ID you just need to: [1] Right click on a folder > [2] Select Folder Information > [3] A new window will open where you can find the Folder ID.
Moreover, you can choose in which category the document should be uploaded, by selecting one from the drop down menu under “Email Attachment Doc Category”
Next, you can create a rule for the document version for each newly uploaded document under “Email Attachment Keep Version”. There are 3 options that you may select from in the drop down menu:
[1] If Document exists then return
[2] If Document exists then create new document
[3] If Document exists then create new version
Other Auto Upload Settings in VIENNA Advantage Document Management System
If you decide that you want to auto upload only certain file types, you can set up a rule in the DMS system. In the “Auto Upload Settings” window, scroll down to “Other Settings”, and from there under “File Type” enter only the file types you wish to be auto uploaded in the DMS system. Separate each file type with (,) comma. See picture below.
Important note!
The limit for file upload is 25MB. Files above that size will not be uploaded into the Document Management System.
Synchronize Google Drive with VIENNA Advantage Document Management System
If you are using a Google Drive, and you have installed it also on your server, you can link the Google Drive folder with the “Folder Path” option explained above. In this way, all documents that are going to be saved in the Google Drive will be automatically backed up in VIENNA Advantage Document Management System.
If you create a new version of an existing document in Google Drive, it does not create a new document, but it overwrites the existing one. Unlike Google Drive, in VIENNA Advantage DMS whenever a new version of an existing document is created in the Drive, it will be saved as a new version in the DMS system. In this way, you can use VIENNA Advantage DMS to not only back up all documents uploaded in the Google Drive but, also you can keep track of the document versions.
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