How to localize your ERP Solution with Translation Management Module?


We are happy to announce that we have successfully launched our new ERP Module – Translation Management! It is completely free of cost and you can download it from our Market.

The idea behind the development of this module was simple! Experience has shown us that our international clients who work in several language environments enjoy productivity improvements and cost reduction each time we provide a new language localization for them. So we thought, why not provide a flexible and powerful tool that will allow organizations to translate their ERP system in as much languages as they need. In this way they will have a flexible ERP solution that can strongly support their international growth. Moreover, they’ll not need to wait until VIENNA Advantage releases a new language pack.

Benefits from Translation Management Module

Our Translation Management Module has an inbuilt translation engine that simplifies and automates the translation process of your ERP into a few clicks process. In this way you can speed up the process and have a localized version of your ERP in a few days, or even hours. As soon as the translation is done, you can check, modify and edit translation as required. You can also do the translation of the system manually but it will take more time.

One of the most important benefits of our Translation Management Module is that you do not need to be an IT expert to do the localization! Anyone in your organization can do it! Even a person with an entry level.

Other benefit for the companies is once you make a localized translation, you will always own the intellectual property of that translation. This means that you can export the language pack you have created and import it at another locations and it will still remain your intellectual property. No additional cost will be charged.

Check all the benefits and features of our Translation Management Module in the next video. And remember you can download it for FREE!

For Small & Mid-sized Businesses

Our Translation Management Module is not only for the big and multinational corporations. It’s also for the small and mid-sized businesses who often have limited resources and cannot afford expensive ERP localizations. We in VIENNA Advantage believe that all businesses no matter the size should have the access to the latest technologies. That is why we try hard to provide the best possible open source ERP solutions, flexible and scalable enough to adjust to the most specific needs of any business and support its growth over time. With our FREE Translation Management Module you can localize your VIENNA Advantage ERP system without spending a dollar!

For Community Contributors & Developers

VIENNA Advantage is an open source ERP and CRM with a growing and passionate community! Our members work hard to improve the community edition of our ERP system. Now with the release of our new Translation Management Module we would like to invite you to join our translation initiative and help us translate our ERP system in as much languages as possible, to support users around the world with localized versions.

$ Monetize your translation $

You can choose to translate our ERP system into one or several languages, and commercialize that language pack by putting it on the VIENNA Advantage Market. Than you can to resell to a large customer base and community around the world.

If you are not yet a member of our community and would like to join it please click here: register to community. Your community registration is free forever and additionally you’ll get a 30 days free support. By joining our community you can benefit from the tools and services provided as well as: [1] Get early access to code and files, [2] Access to documents, tools, tutorials and Help, [3] Community Support, [4] Access a number of free apps from the Market.

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One comment on “How to localize your ERP Solution with Translation Management Module?

[…] dei più grossi benefit del modulo Translation Management di Vienna Advantage risiede nel fatto che non devi essere un […]

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