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Partner Directory Please contact Onfinity partners in Europe for more information about our solutions. CSG make IT GmbH Münster, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 251 / 23004 - 0 Website: www.csg-ms.de Email: info@csg-ms.de CONTACT PARTNER GERMANY Vision Consulting GmbH & Co Berlin, Germany Phone: +49 (0) 30 2060 67 - 0 Website: www.vc-g.de Email: info@vc-g.de CONTACT PARTNER GERMANY 3 TAV Izbrane informacije Novo mesto, Slovenia Phone: +386 (1) 524 05 10 Website: www.3tav.si Email: info@3tav.si CONTACT PARTNER SLOVENIA CDS (Information Technology) Ltd. 20A Portland Road, Kilmarnock, KA1 2BS, United Kingdom Phone: +44 1563 537733 Website: www.cdsitsuccess.co.uk/ Email: richard@cdoctor.co.uk CONTACT PARTNER UNITED KINGDOM CyberDesign ® - Informática e Serviços Cacém, Portugal Phone: +351910082451 Email: geral@cyberdesign.pt CONTACT PARTNER PORTUGAL eLEVEL Caryatidos 75 & Peristeri, Attica, 12135, Greece Phone: +30 6979182188 Email: Emmanuel.michailidis@outlook.com CONTACT PARTNER GREECE Codgen Software SRL 57025 via Collodi, 20 Piombino (LI), Italy Phone: +39 334 2235291 Website: www.codegensoftware.it Email: info@codegensoftware.it CONTACT PARTNER ITALY