Why embed Onfinity DMS engine in your legal tech application?

We work closely with legal tech software providers to ensure that our embedded DMS offering aligns with their needs.


Give case workers context

Upsell to your installed base with an embedded DMS. You can attach case-specific documents, notes, voice or other multimedia information with specific cases and allow attorneys and case workers access to such information from the core application.


Document storage, files and folder management

Define document templates that can be directly downloaded into a folder in the client matter and save your customers countless documentation hours. Store e-signed documents and maintain audit trails of documents in your application.


Build document search and view capabilities in your legal tech app

Your case workers no longer need to spend countless hours searching through folders and document repositories. Our DMS engine indexes all documents based on their content, letting users retrieve both documents and case information with intuitive search function.


Save time in document processing with workflow automation

Link documents to contacts, matters and tags using document metadata and trigger automatic application workflows saving crucial time in case management. Users could also easily share documents internally and with external parties.


Built in compliance

With Onfinity embedded DMS, your customers will be able to automate the management of client document retention policies and minimize compliance risks.


Seamless integration and uniform user experience

Onfinity DMS engine can be natively integrated into your legal-tech application, and adapt your authentication mechanism. Users would be unaware that they are in a different application and yet get all the benefits of an enterprise-grade DMS.

All the document management features you’ll ever need

Complete, versatile and powerful document management system for legal tech software providers.

A technology partner you can trust